Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Riley's new Adventures!

It's Time for the JUMP-A-ROO!!

I've been trying to re-organize things and make space and I had totally forgotten about the old Jump-a-Roo that was stashed away in the girls closet! I dusted it off (not really, but thought it'd add some effect), and put Riley on in! She had a great time, as you can see by that cute little smile she so kindly graced the camera with! She's also growing up too quickly for my liking, but I'm thoroughly enjoying her babyhood! She's been so easy so far.....hmmmmm, I wonder what the toddler years have in store for me! We'll soon find out! Until then... isn't she so adorable!

To Eat? OR... not to Eat?

Riley seemed to be very interested whenever I'd eat something. I was thinking maybe she's ready for solids. So we tried rice cereal and she was more excited about her new teething toy......the spoon, than the cereal. After a couple bites she gagged and wouldn't open her mouth. I tried the next day and she gagged again. After her well visit the doc told me I could try Oatmeal....NOPE, she gagged with that too. I opted for some bananas but she spit them out! No luck with the food thing, she's just not too thrilled about eating yet! Oh well, we'll try again next month! She's not acting extra hungry with just breast milk and she sure doesn't LOOK like she's deprived in any way, just ask her rolls!

1 comment:

Booma/Voina said...

Yes, she is adorable. They both are.

Sweet, funny descriptions you gave, too. Lots of fun at your house! Glad you got back to your blog. I do follow it, ya know!

Thanks again.