Monday, December 8, 2008

Riley is so strong!

Riley is such a big, strong baby. Someone asked me, "How old is she? Six, Seven months?" I laughed and said, "Ha, no, she's only 3!" My children are anything but petite! A friend, Ryan Fenn (for those who know him), asked me, "Have you put her on the Atkins diet yet?" I thought that was stretchin' it a bit, she's not THAT big! She's actually not really too chunky, just big! She looks chunkier in pictures and when she's lying down! At least I know they're healthy!
Riley is rolling over when placed on her tummy and REALLY wants to start sitting. When she's on her back she lifts her head and feet like she wants to get up. I'll usually grab her hands and she then lifts herself up! She's been so much fun so far. She's very easy going and happy!

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