Sunday, August 23, 2009

Riley Turns 1!

Wow, has it really been a whole year since little Riley graced us with her presence? Yep, and what a fun year it's been!

Riley's birthday was on Saturday the 22nd but we had a little party for her on Wednesday with family.

We went for a butterfly theme and I just had too much fun. I made butterfly invitations and butterfly decorations and I bought butterfly wings for the girls to wear. Riley wore them all night!!! Maddie got filthy outside and had to get in the bath mid-party so she didn't last long as a butterfly!

There's the birthday girl. Doesn't she look so cute?!

Her and her little friend Bella are three weeks apart, Riley being a little older. I think they'll grow to be great friends!! Here they are playing with Riley's fun new toy.

MMMMM, yummy cake!

Grandma Denise and Heather made the cake! (This is the 3rd cake they've made for us, and they always do a great job!!)

Aunt Angie and Uncle Jason got this for her, she had the best reaction I've ever seen. She loves this Angel bear!!!

Riley is so great! She's happy almost all the time, she has a beautiful smile and loves to play. She's been walking for about a month and a half and is getting really fast! She loves to do everything her big sister does, for the most part Maddie likes her but not always(typical, right?). Riley is VERY active and loves to get into the cupboards and....the TOILET!!! I hate that, it's so gross,so Maddie has gotten really good at making sure the doors to the bathrooms stay closed or making sure all the lids are down. The lids being down won't work much longer though, as she's starting to figure out how to open them. Now I know why they make locks for EVERYTHING!!!! I never had to worry about the toilet thing with Maddie! Just recently Riley started shaking her head yes, but it's more of a whole body shake, it's really cute. She is really catching on to the whole communicating thing and is so stinkin' smart. Glen sings "Old McDonald" to her and she yells out "E-I"! Which is especially cute.
We've been blessed with two wonderful girls, I hate that time goes so quickly, I wish I could just freeze it!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

So cute! You have great ideas for parties :) It amazes me how different your girls look from each other...They're both cute in their own way!