Monday, March 9, 2009

Half a year old!

Riley: 6 months old

This is what I get (or anyone else who glances her way) every time I look at this girl! She's so HAPPY!

Love those baby blues! (still haven't figured out where she gets those ears! :D)

This little girl LOVES her big sister! Maddie is the only one who can really make Riley do that deep belly laugh! We've got to catch it on video, it's so funny! (Sorry, Maddie's head got cut off in this one, but it's still cute!)

What's sister doing?

Sittin' pretty!

I can't believe half a year has gone by! Riley is so sweet and easy going! She makes life very pleasant. She helps all of us to smile more and to be more positive.

As far as eating solid foods goes... she still gags (no joke) if I give her ANY kind of food from a jar...she's got gourmet taste buds! She'll eat anything of ours that we mash up and water down. She LOVES potatoes and bananas. Tonight we're gonna try avocado! It's been exciting to see her actually want to eat after trying and trying with jarred baby foods. I even thought, after she was eating the potatoes and bananas that maybe she's just more ready to eat, so I gave her some rice cereal and carrots from a jar last night and she gagged after the first bite and wouldn't take anymore! I guess I have to start making my own, which is fine, it's way cheaper!

In the last couple weeks she's mastered rolling from back to front and vice versa as well as sitting for a good period of time. Like I said, she LOVES her older sister and is always interested in whatever it is she's doing. She only wakes once or twice a night and no longer sleeps swaddled. She's a little chatter bug (takes after daddy) and talks herself to sleep and keeps herself entertained on car rides!

We just love our little Riley girl!

1 comment:

BreAn said...

You've got some beautiful girls! Can't wait to see them next week. *smile*