Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our New Addition!


Oh my goodness! This little guy is the best, most cutest dog EVER!!! He is so well behaved (for the most part...he likes to jump on the couch, and last night he "marked his territory" on my stinkin' couch pillow!!) but other than that he is great! Him and Ginger, our Golden Retreiver LOVE each other! They are an odd looking pair, seems how Ginger is quadruple his size, but they play all day together, they cuddle up together for naps, and they even KISS, yes, it's just the cutest! They actually fight for attention the same way Maddie and Riley do, in fact they are the exact version of Maddie and Riley but in dog form. Their personalities are mirrors of the girls! Maddie and Ginger, more timid and motherly and Jasper and Riley are just a bucket of fun 24/7! We couldn't be happier with him!

1 comment:

BreAn said...

What a handful but how fun! So cute!