Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some test shots

I was so bummed when I went to Kiddie Kandids to get a free Birthday picture of Riley and found out that they "no longer do that". So.... I got out the camera and tried to make my own little photo shoot set. It wasn't very good and I'm not very good with the camara yet, but I've set out to learn a new talent and am having fun doing it. These were the shots that I actually thought didn't turn out too bad.

This one is only cute to me, because she's sticking her buns out. I was still in set up mode but Riley went right to it so I just pointed and shot to see how the lighting was, etc.

A little fuzzy but cute non the less

Bright eyes, even in black and white!

I LOVE this one!

Please don't judge me, I know they're not that good, the back drop is wrinkled, etc. Anyway, so that's that. I'll keep you updated with any new portraits I take. Maybe you'll notice a gradual change in my abilities as time goes on! ;D

1 comment:

BreAn said...

I think they look GREAT! I'm impressed that you decided to do it yourself. Good for you!