Thursday, February 19, 2009

How could I forget?

I can't believe I forgot to post about the trip Glen and Maddie took with Glen's dad and siblings to Cambria after Christmas!
Well, Glen, Maddie, and the rest of the Cummins Clan (minus Denise) made a trip up to Cambria, CA to visit with their grandparents the week after Christmas. Maddie had a great time with her aunts Kristina, Laurel, and Heather, uncle Alex, Papa Charles and got to meet her Great Grandma Betty and Great Grandpa Glen! Riley and I missed them, but I enjoyed the solo time with Riley as well as the quiet moments! They just went up for a weekend, so it was short and sweet.
What a beautiful picture!

Glen, Heather, Kristina, Laurel and Alex
Grandma Betty, Grandpa Glen, and Charles
(Maddie was napping :D)

Kristina, Laurel, and their personalities!

Silly girls!

So cute!

Heather and Mads (brrrrr)

Hmmmm, looks like she has a bit of a personality, too!

1 comment:

BreAn said...

Looks like they had a lot of fun! We miss you guys!