Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Back to the Blog!

I've gotta get back into this again! I thought to myself, "I'm crafty. I make cute things. I can create yummy recipes. Why am I not sharing these types of things?" It may have a little to do with my own personal insecurity of not being good "enough". I might be good at something, but not good enough. Well, to heck with my insecurity, I'm just gonna do it and see what happens!

I love to share (a lot has changed since my oh, so selfish childhood days). Having kids teaches you that sort of thing. After all, sharing is caring, right?  With that said, I'm going to try and turn this into a blog about sharing all of our family fun, which will also include yummy recipes that I've been creating, fun crafts that we do, and maybe even a sewing tutorial or two. Everyone else is doing it, so why can't I? I want to be famous on Pinterest, too (in a joking yet, semi-serious tone).

This will be a fun little adventure. I really want to learn and grow in lots of different areas, and if you stick with me you'll get to grow and learn right along with me!

I'll share lots of different things, from crafts to health and well being. I might try my hand at learning how to be a better photographer (I'm a REALLY bad one)! I'm not gonna try and replace our dear, sweet, Emily Mann with Rabbit Ears Photography. I just want to be able to post pictures of food that actually looks scrumptious, not pics of crusty crock pots, or dark shadowy blobs with parsley accents. 

One thing I'm learning in this life is that NOTHING is perfect and that's OK! It's OK to not be perfect. As long as we are all trying our VERY best that's all we can do. Things don't always go as planned. In fact, for me, NOTHING ever happens the way I PLAN them to. As discouraging and disappointing as that is, I'm learning to be OK with that.  It's a very hard lesson to learn. I just want things "MY WAY" all the time." If people would just do things my way, it'd be so much better!" HAHAHA. God has a different plan and I just have to go with that one and be OK with it!  So, don't expect perfection from me. Like I said, I'm learning...publicly...scary...but exciting! I think this will push me in ways I've never been pushed, and that is always a good thing!

So, whatta ya think? You up for this adventure with me? Eeeek, it's kinda scary! I'll either totally embarrass myself and feel like a huge failure, or I'll keep plugging along and make this a huge success!  Let's hope, for the sake of my dignity, that this goes a little as "planned" and I can do the latter!! who's with me? Will I have any followers?

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