Monday, June 21, 2010

Little Fashionista!

So, our little Riley, whose not even 2 yet, has taken on a real thing for clothes! I guess they all do at this age, but it truly fascinates me how picky Riley is about her outfits these days and how GREAT she is a choosing her own! She will literally kick and scream if I pick out something she doesn't want to wear. So, I let her do it and it always works! Both of the girls LOVE dresses and skirts! I'll have to get some more pictures of her outfits because really, they always match and are super cute! I guess I've trained her well!

This picture is of one that made me decide that I could no longer have her clothes folded on top of the changing table, rather they needed to be put in bins that are harder to open! She's quite the climber and decided it'd be fun to climb up and throw all her clothes on the floor after mommy had JUST re-organized them! AHHHHHH, so aggravating, but I guess the clothes were just too inviting for a toddler!

Riley LOVES to wear her sunglasses wherever we go! Right when we get in the car they're the first thing she asks for! What's even funnier is her "I'm so cool" demeanor that she takes on once wearing them! It's the funniest, cutest thing ever!

"Yeah, I'm cool...WHAT!?"

Here's an outfit that she chose completely on her own! I HAD to get a picture, I just thought she looked too cute! She's wearing Maddie's skirt. Luckily it has an adjustable waist, still big, but worked. Tell me she didn't do a great job at picking that one out!

Oh, who could resist that adorable little face? Muuuuahhh, I just love her!


Gina said...

you are right she is so cute!! She is getting so big. And Kari she is totally your daughter!!! Good thing too because her mom is pretty awesome.

Carolyn said...

Your little girl is so cute! They grow up fast don't they? It seems like the other day I was holding my little on in my arms and now she is 18 and running off with my credit card to the mall to go to the GUESS store and who knows where else. Cherish every moment you have because they don't last forever.